United States of America. Department of the Navy

Bereich "Identifikation"

Typ des Rechtsträgers


Autorisierte Namensform

United States of America. Department of the Navy

Parallele Namensformen

Standardisierte Namensform gemäß anderer Regelwerke

Andere Namensformen

Kennzahlen für Körperschaften


Daten des Bestehens



The Department of State was established by an act of September 15, 1789 (1 Stat. 68). It was preceeded by the Department of Foreign Affairs (July-Sept. 1789). Its function was to advise the President in the formulation and execution of foreign policy; conduct the foreign relations of the United States; preserve the Great Seal of the United States; commission Presidential appointees to various federal offices; publish laws, maintain custody of federal records, and administer the territories.
The Office of the Secretary of War was established by the act creating the War Department, August 7, 1789 (1 Stat. 49). Its functions were to supervise all activities of the War Department; responsibility for naval affairs until 1798 and for military bounty lands, military pensions, and Indian affairs until 1849. It was abolished in September 18, 1947, by the National Security Act of 1947 (61 Stat. 501), July 26, 1947, and succeeded by the Office of the Secretary of the Army, Department of the Army, National Military Establishment (1947- 49); Office of the Secretary of the Army, Department of Defense (1949- ).
The Department of the Navy was established by an act of April 30, 1798 (1 Stat. 553). It was preceeded by the War Department (1789-98). Its functions were to advise the President on naval matters and administer the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps. It was abolished y the National Security Act of 1947 (61 Stat. 495), July 26, 1947, and succeeded by the Department of the Navy, National Military Establishment (1947-49); Department of the Navy, Department of Defense (1949- ).


Rechtlicher Status

Ämter, Beschäftigungen und Aktivitäten

Mandate/Herkunft der Kompetenz

Interne Strukturen/Genealogie

Allgemeiner Zusammenhang


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Zugriffspunkte (Thema)

Zugriffspunkte (Ort)


Bereich "Kontrolle"

Identifikator der Normdatei

CA QUA01122


Benutzte Regeln und/oder Konventionen




Daten der Bestandsbildung, der Überprüfung und der Skartierung/Kassierung


  • Englisch



Anmerkungen zur Wartung

  • Zwischenablage

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  • EAC

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