- CA ON00239 F596-S2-SS3-f6-10
- Item
- [19--]
Parte de John Buchan fonds
Item is a typed draft of a speech delivered in Kirkcaldy, Scotland, in support of Mr. Wedderburn in his political venture.
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Parte de John Buchan fonds
Item is a typed draft of a speech delivered in Kirkcaldy, Scotland, in support of Mr. Wedderburn in his political venture.
Glasgow University Club dinner
Parte de John Buchan fonds
Item is a typed draft of a speech delivered at the University of Glasgow, in Glasgow, Scotland.
Edinburgh University Club dinner
Parte de John Buchan fonds
Item is a typed draft of a speech delivered at the University of Edinburgh, in Edinburgh, Scotland.
Glasgow University Club dinner
Parte de John Buchan fonds
Item is a typed draft of a speech delivered at the University of Glasgow, in Glasgow, Scotland, toasting the chairman, Sir Austen Chamberlain.
Parte de John Buchan fonds
Item is a typed draft of a speech delivered in Edinburgh, Scotland, concerning the opening of a new athletic ground for the women of the University of Edinburgh.
Parte de John Buchan fonds
Item is a typed draft of a speech delivered at Usher Hall, Edinburgh, Scotland, concerning the city of Edinburgh and the author's admittance to the Freedom of Edinburgh.
The Closing Message of the Lord High Commissioner to the General Assembly
Parte de John Buchan fonds
Item is a typed draft of a speech delivered in [Edinburgh?], Scotland.
Parte de John Buchan fonds
Item is a typed draft of a speech delivered in [Edinburgh?], Scotland, concerning the Presbyterian Church.
Royal Infirmary Thanksgiving Service
Parte de John Buchan fonds
Item is a typed draft of a speech delivered in Edinburgh, Scotland.
The Lord High Commissioner's Opening Address to the Assembly
Parte de John Buchan fonds
Item is a typed draft of a speech delivered in Edinburgh, Scotland.