New Glasgow, NS



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Hierarchische Begriffe

New Glasgow, NS

New Glasgow, NS

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New Glasgow, NS

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New Glasgow, NS

4 Archivische Beschreibung results for New Glasgow, NS

4 Ergebnisse mit direktem Bezug Engere Begriffe ausschließen

East River

Illustration of a river lined with trees on both sides; a long pile of rocks sits across the river; by the left side of the frame, a person in a white dress stands by the shore and holds out a fishing rod over the surface of the river. Incription on the postcard reads: "This river is very near the house where we are staying. Were out boating the other aftertoon. We are having a delightful visit here; something going on all the time […]"

Warwick Bros. and Rutter

Temperance Street

Illustration of a paved road lined with trees and lamposts curving slightly up a hill; to the right side of the road; a small white house sits in between the trees; in the background, larger buildings fade into the distance along with the road. Incription on the postcard reads: "Dear Friends. Arrived home and feeling better (?) and all good. Bye, Julia M. (?)"

Warwick Bros. and Rutter

Temperance St., New Glasgow

Black and white illustration of a dirt road lined with trees and a white wooden house; the road curves slightly up a hill and fades into the distance. Incription on the postcard reads: "(?) you are well. I will (?) […]"

White, George

Eastern Steel Co., New Glasgow, N. S./Standard Drainpipe Co., New Glasgow, N. S.

Two landscape illustrations stacked vertically on the front of the postcard; top illustration: a railroad track lined with vegetation; in the midground, a white house with a red roof partially covered by trees, and a large white building with a blue roof; captioned "Eastern Steel Co., New Glasgow, N. S." bottom illustration: barrent outdoor ground with a very large red brick building in the background; right in front of the building, various smaller white buildings with blue rooves, and in front of the white buildings, many even smaller green structures; captioned "Standard Drainpipe Co., New Glasgow, N. S."

White, George