Fonds F2275 - Men's Clothing Manufacturers Association of Ontario

Bereich 'Titel und Anmerkung zur Verantwortlichkeit'


Men's Clothing Manufacturers Association of Ontario

Allgemeine Werkstoffbezeichnung

Paralleler Titel

Andere Titelinformation

Titelangaben zur Verantwortlichkeit

Anmerkungen zum Titel



Bereich "Edition"

Edition statement

Edition statement of responsibility

Class of material specific details area

Angaben zum Maßstab (kartografisch)

Angaben zur Projektion (kartografisch)

Angaben zu Koordinaten (kartografisch)

Angaben zum Maßstab (architektonisch)

Issuing jurisdiction and denomination (philatelic)

Bereich "Entstehungszeitraum"


  • 1919-1969 (Anlage)
    Men's Clothing Manufacturers Association of Ontario

Bereich 'Physische Beschreibung'

Physische Beschreibung

2.88 m of textual records

Publisher's series area

Haupttitel der Verlagsreihe

Parallel titles of publisher's series

Other title information of publisher's series

Statement of responsibility relating to publisher's series

Numbering within publisher's series

Note on publisher's series

Bereich "Archivische Beschreibung"

Name des Bestandsbildners



The Men’s Clothing Manufacturers Association of Ontario was incorporated in 1919 under the name Associated Clothing Manufacturers. It underwent a number of name changes including the Associated Clothing Manufacturers of Toronto, the Associated Clothing Manufacturers of Toronto and Hamilton, and the Associated Clothing Manufacturers of Ontario. The Association was formed for the specific purpose of maintaining uniform and reputable working conditions in cooperation with the employees union, Amalgamated Clothing Workers and sought to further the interests of the clothing industry in Ontario and to adopt and take all such measures as may be calculated to that end, and for the consideration of and dealing with all matters pertaining generally to the clothing business in which members of the association may be directly or indirectly interested.

The position of the Association was not to discuss selling prices or sales policies or interfere in any way with open competition among its members but to act as a collective bargaining unit, or “non-profit labour management organization”, with the Union, covering wages, hours and working conditions with provision for dealing with grievances from either side promptly and amicably. The objectives laid out by the Association were: to form a common organization of individuals, partnerships, firms, joint stock companies, associations and corporations engaged in manufacturing men’s clothing and allied industries in the Province of Ontario; to foster and promote friendly relations between ambers of this industries; to promote the general welfare, progress and development of the clothing industry and the service thereof to the public; to promote the trade, commerce and interests of its members; to promote uniformity and certainty in the customs, practices, usages of the trade or industry and to reform abuses relative thereto; to settle differences submitted voluntarily and to foster friendly relations among its members; and to improve the relations between labour and its employers in the Men’s Clothing Industry.


These materials were held by George Brown College archives in Toronto from 1974-2001 when they were transferred to Queen's University Archives through the good offices of Dr. Gerald Tulchinsky and Bob Kirk of Apparel Ontario.

Eingrenzung und Inhalt

The fonds consists of material created and received by the Association over fifty years of operation, from 1919 to 1970. The material reflects the Association's acitivites regarding mainy issues important to the clothing industry at that time, such as standards, wage scales and comparative wages, costing of materials, scales of production, incorporated rates, cost of living, and registered complaints. It also illustrates the Association's relationship with other organizations, in particular the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America. The fonds is comprised of correspondence, reference and research material about the industry, industrial standards, clippings, newsletters, as well as material supplied by members regarding their own enterprises.

Bereich "Anmerkungen"

Physischer Zustand

Abgebende Stelle

Ordnung und Klassifikation

George Browne College Archives' arrangement maintained.

In der Verzeichnungseinheit enthaltene Sprache

  • Englisch

Schrift in den Unterlagen

Aufbewahrungsort der Originale


Verfügbarkeit anderer Formate



Bestimmungen, die die Benutzung, Reproduktion und Veröffentlichung regeln

Public domain

Verbundene Materialien

Verwandte Materialien


No further accruals are expected

Alternative Identifikatoren/Signaturen

Bereich "Standardnummern"



Zugriffspunkte (Thema)

Zugriffspunkte (Ort)

Zugriffspunkte (Name)

Zugriffspunkte (Genre)

Bereich "Kontrolle"



Regeln und/oder Konventionen



Daten der Bestandsbildung, der Überprüfung und der Skartierung/Kassierung

Sprache der Beschreibung

Schrift der Beschreibung


Bereich Zugang

Verwandte Themen

Verwandte Personen und Organisationen

Verwandte Orte

Verwandte Genres


  • Fach: 5034.6