- CA ON00239 F1156
- Fonds
- [ca. 1940]-1988
The fonds consists of correspondence, subject files, manuscripts, prints and photographs related to Dr. D'Argaville's research interests, notably on Preti.
D'Argaville, Brian
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The fonds consists of correspondence, subject files, manuscripts, prints and photographs related to Dr. D'Argaville's research interests, notably on Preti.
D'Argaville, Brian
Fonds consists of slides and audio relating to the Kingston area. Also includes a report on an investigation into housing in Kingston in the late 19th century, produced through a SSHRC grant (The Housing Question in Kingston, Ontario, 1881-1901).
Osborne, Brian S.
The fonds consists of constitutional documents, meeting minutes and daily logs from the two locations of Bridge house.
Bridge House
Fonds consists of congratulatory letters regarding Ballard's appointment as President of the National Research Council (NRC), three sound recordings of the touch-sensitive organ from the electronic music laboratories of the NRC, various honours and awards as well as some miscellaneous publications from Westinghouse Electric.
Ballard, Bristow Guy
British American Hotel collection
Collection consists of four guest registers (1851-1869) for the Kent and British American Hotels, located in Kingston, Ontario. The registers contain the signatures of a variety of visitors to Kingston including visiting artists, performers and politicians. The proprietors also make note in the pages the times and frequencies of steamboat traffic likely in order to aid their guests in planning their transportation needs.The collection also includes legal documents, donated at a later date, concerning the ownership of the building lots (67 and 88) and a number of financial interests in the hotel.
British American Hotel
British American Land Company Deed
Deed is to Erastus Osgood and relates to land in Compton Township, Quebec.
British American Land Company
British Military and Naval Records "C" Series fonds
The 'C' Series consists of 2020 volumes of records accumulated by the British forces stationed in Canada. With very few exceptions the contents of the volumes relate to the period extending from the arrival of Lord Dorchester as Governor General and Commander of the Forces in 1786 to the date of transfer of the fortress of Halifax to the military authorities of Canada. The documents obtained from Halifax in 1873 by the consent of the War Office formed the nucleus of this series. These mainly consist of the letters and despatches with their various enclosures which accumulated in the office of the Military Secretary to the Commander of the Forces in Canada over the course of eight-five years. Also included in this collection are records relating to the administration of justice and civil government, the construction of bridges, canals, docks, lighthouses, roads, wharfs, and public buildings, immigration and the location of settlers, the management of Indigenous affairs, the conveyance of mails, the exploration of the country, the provincial marine establishment and shipping on the lakes, the state of political feeling, and relations with the United States. Of particular note are the reports and statements of confidential agents, deserters, prisoners, and spies and the matter of fact journals of officers on special service which have been preserved. The fonds been arranged into the following series: Correspondence of the Military Secretary of the Commander of the Forces; Records of the Canadian Command; Records of the Nova Scotia Command; and Miscellaneous records.
Great Britain. Army
Collection consists of correspondence; legal records; financial reports; published and proposed statements, selected for insertion on specific dates, in specific newspapers; clippings.
The Broadcast Trust
[Broadsheet for 146th Battalion, CEF]
Item is a small broadsheet appealing for further volunteers to join the Battalion.
146th Battalion, CEF
[Broadside advertising Townsend Family production of The Orphan of Geneva]
Item is a broadside advertising a production of The Orphan of Geneva by the Townsend Family theatre troupe, as performed at Napanee Town Hall.