Gulland, Sandra

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Gulland, Sandra

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  • Sandra Gulland

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Sandra Gulland was born in Miami, Florida, Nov. 3, 1944. In 1952 her family moved and settled in her mother's hometown of Berkeley, California. Gulland graduated from Berkeley High in 1962 and went on to get a B.A. at San Francisco State College in 1965. Gulland moved to Canada in 1970 with her first husband, teaching in the northern community Nain in Eastern Labrador. Settling in Toronto in 1972, she remarried and worked as a typesetter, project editor for an educational book company, freelance editor, acquisitions editor and book editor before committing to being a full-time author in 1985. Five years later, she began writing the Josephine B. Trilogy, novels based on the life of Josephine Bonaparte. The trilogy, published in 1995, 1998, and 2000, has now been published in seventeen countries.

In 2008 Sandra published Mistress of the Sun which was on the Maclean's bestseller list for over one month in hardcover. Published in paperback in the spring of 2009, it also made the Globe & Mail Canadian bestseller list. It is published in both Canada and the U.S. as well as in several translated editions, including French and German. In 2014, her fifth historical novel, The Shadow Queen, was published by HarperCollins in Canada, and Doubleday in the US. Comprising many of the same characters as Mistress of the Sun, the two novels compose The Sun Court Duet.

In 2018, The Game of Hope, a young adult fiction novel about Josephine Bonaparte's daughter and Napoleon's stepdaughter was published by Penguin Teen in both Canada and the US.

Gulland has continued to offer editorial and writing services to educational, trade and children's book publishers through her Words & service.

Sandra and her husband divide the year between northern Ontario, and San Miguel de Allende, Mexico.


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Interne Strukturen/Genealogie

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CA QUA11527


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