


Anmerkung(en) zur Eingrenzung

Anmerkung(en) zur Herkunft

Anmerkungen zur Ansicht

Equivalente Begriffe


Verbundene Begriffe


1919 Archivische Beschreibung results for Canada

176 Ergebnisse mit direktem Bezug Engere Begriffe ausschließen

The Battery

Illustration of a hill covered in grass overlooking a large body of water (seen in the background); by the right side of the frame, multiple cannons stand facing towards the left; in the midground, two cannons face outwards, with a person loading one of the cannons; the Union Jack flying from a flagpost by the left of the frame

Warwick Bros. and Rutter

Port Hawkesbury From Point Tupper

Black and white cropped illustration of a shoreline populated by houses with a large ship docked by the shore; the illustration is placed near the top left corner of the cover of the postcard, with a white background

News Publishing Co., Limited

Scene in Summerside Harbor, P. E. I.

Illustration of two boats sailing along a large body of water; in the background, the sun sets behind a distant shoreline. Incription on the postcard reads: "Jan. 19, 1909, Hello Myrtle: Well, did you think I never was going to write to you. Well, it seems that I have been busy since I came here. I have had lots of fun since I came […]"

Stedman Bros. Ltd.

A Shore Scene. Prince Edward Island.

Illustration of a shore where multiple small boats float around and near a dock supporting four long structures; in the foreground, a small boat rests on the ground by the shore, and grass is visible by the bottom left corner of the frame; in the background, the sun sets behind a distant shore. Incription on the postcard reads: "Dear Nettie: thought I would send you a pstal for a change. Do you get many now, I got the pretty one John sent me it was lovely […]"

W.C. Macfarlane

Gathering Shells

Illustration of a man bending over with his feet in the water by a rocky shore; the man is surrouned by the right side of the frame with rocky cliff

Louson, W.S.

Gathering Shells

Illustration of a man bending over with his feet in the water by a rocky shore; the man is surrouned by the right side of the frame with rocky cliff. Incription on the postcard reads: "Hello fellow, is it my turn to write? How (?) going anyway. I saw Jim in (?) last month was surprised to see him. May see you this summer some time. We have had pretty […]"

Louson, W.S.

St. George's Church, River John, N. S.

Illustration of the exterior of a white church with red roof enclosed by a brown wooden fence; a few small trees grow along its perimeter within the fenced area; in the background, headstones and trees stand behind the church

Stedman Bros. Ltd.

Ergebnisse: 1841 bis 1850 von 1919