Ficheiro f14 - 130 [Scotland]

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130 [Scotland]

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Autoridade emissora e denominação (filatélica)

Zona de datas de criação


  • Summer 1935 (Produção)

Zona de descrição física

Descrição física

1 film reel (18 min., 43 sec.) : 16 mm, b&w, acetate

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História custodial

Âmbito e conteúdo

Scotland, summer 1935. North Berwick in East Lothian: Golf; Eric and Maisie are the second and third people shown teeing off. Unloading luggage at the Marine Hotel, by the links. Berwick How (volcanic hill). Stable yard: Eric, Maisie and girl (probably Maisie's daughter by her first marriage, Catherine Parr Strickland) on horseback. Tantallon Castle, with views of Bass Rock; party includes Eric's mother and two sisters. North Berwick harbor and trip to Bass Rock and its lighthouse (Eric's mother and sisters in the boat). Probably the Marine Hotel, by the golf links; Eric's sisters looking from upper window at expensive-looking car, apparently a 1935 3.5 liter "Derby" Bentley with coachwork by Barker. Family group; Saunders' 1926 Rolls in the background. Edinburgh: street; the Castle. Unidentified large country house. Fly-fishing for trout or salmon; Eric fishing with a cigarette in his mouth. A light biplane takes off three times from a cow pasture; Maisie is one of the two occupants on the third flight, though whether as pilot or passenger is not clear. She'd had a flying license since 1929. The primitive airfield, consisting of a shed and a wind sock, may have been the one at East Fortune, 3 or 4 miles south of North Berwick. (The biplane is a De Havilland DH87A Hornet Moth, registration G-ADIS, built with side-by-side seating for instructor and trainee. In 1936, this particular plane, the second Hornet Moth built [production number 8001], would have its tapered wings replaced by squared wings, thereby becoming the prototype for model DH87B, which would be the standard model for the Hornet Moth.) Ruined castle; Eric's mother and one of his sisters; Eric's mother and Maisie; Maisie alone. Marine Hotel again; Maisie and cat. North Berwick from golf links. From car (not Rolls): North Berwick -- headed east on High Street; country road. From car (Rolls): approaching large country house; possibly Rosemount, where Maisie grew up. TS Princess Margaret, home port Stranraer, on Scotland's west coast. This vessel routinely plied between Stranraer and Larne in County Antrim in Northern Ireland, pausing at Bangor in County Down. Glimpse of rising countryside beyond the ship suggests that it's docked in Larne. Rolls, heavily laden, hood open, on waterfront. Houses along Larne's waterfront (most are still extant). In the Rolls, driving south toward Belfast's city hall along Donegall Place. Later, the car appears to be driving north along the waterfront toward Cavehill, but it then turns and heads south passing through various villages and towns; ends up, apparently, at Tramore in Waterford County, Eire, where the Saunders' would reside until May 1936.

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  • Prateleira: MI 275.14