- CA ON00239 F1772-S1-SS3-f11-45
- Pièce
- 1974
Fait partie de Queen's University. Department of Marketing and Communications fonds
Item is a photograph of Student posing with diploma next to campus tree.
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Fait partie de Queen's University. Department of Marketing and Communications fonds
Item is a photograph of Student posing with diploma next to campus tree.
Fait partie de Queen's University. Department of Marketing and Communications fonds
Item is a photograph of female student accepting diploma.
Fait partie de Queen's University. Department of Marketing and Communications fonds
Item is a photograph of portrait of Frank Harrison.
Fait partie de Queen's University. Department of Marketing and Communications fonds
Item is a photograph of The honourable Pauline McGibbon.
Fait partie de Queen's University. Department of Marketing and Communications fonds
Item is a photograph of unknown male in blue robe.
Fait partie de Queen's University. Department of Marketing and Communications fonds
Item is a photograph of group of professors.
Fait partie de Queen's University. Department of Marketing and Communications fonds
Item is a photograph of woman in blue robe.
Fait partie de Queen's University. Department of Marketing and Communications fonds
Item is a photograph of group of professors.
Fait partie de Queen's University. Department of Marketing and Communications fonds
Item is a photograph of two men posing, one in red robe, other in yellow.
Fait partie de Queen's University. Department of Marketing and Communications fonds
Item is a photograph of convocation procession.