Moving image



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Moving image

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Moving image

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Moving image

3152 Descripción archivística results for Moving image

3152 resultados directamente relacionados Excluir términos relacionados

A Master in Our Midst: Grant Macdonald

File was produced by Tony Houghton, Chris West, and John Wilson to accompany the exhibition "A Master in our Midst: Grant Macdonald's Kingston Portraits".

West, Christopher

Community Journal

  • CA ON00239 F2791-S1-f29
  • Unidad documental compuesta
  • 3 Feb. 1981
  • Parte deJoan McGrath fonds

Show aired on 31 January, and 1 February 1981, and topics included radon gas and jewellery.

CKWS Television

Interpares - PSA

Roy Bonisteel appears in public service announcements for Interpares organization. 3 different versions of the 30 second spot for television plus one 30 second radio spot.

Lenscrafters Ad

Roy Bonisteel "investigates" Lenscrafters advertising claims, and finds them true.

Portside films

Children of the Eucharist

Children of the Eucharist: A Liturgical Programme involving children at every age level in active participation in the sacrifice of the eucharist. A.C. Studios, Guelph, Ontario & St. Joseph's Parish, Port Elgin.

Man Alive: Easter in China

China-God and the Revolution. In this episode Roy Bonisteel takes a look at the role of religion in post-revolutionary China. An historic overview of religion in China is provided. Interviews with various members of differing doctrines discussing current environment of religious freedom.

Streetwise #3 - Trouble w/Kids

An episode of the Streetwise series (CBC) from Victoria Composite H.S. in Edmonton, Alberta. Roy Bonisteel is the guest on the programme which takes a look at the youth of the day and what positive contributions they can give to their communities as opposed to being pessimistic and apathetic. Roy promotes the idea that teens have to take control of their lives. Directed by Ron Whalley.


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