- CA ON00239 F1541-S11-f4-2
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- 3 Mar. 1989
Part 2. Continuation and conclusion of Goodman's lecture on the game Queries and Theories, which he explains by playing the game with the audience.
Queen's University. Queen's Television.
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Part 2. Continuation and conclusion of Goodman's lecture on the game Queries and Theories, which he explains by playing the game with the audience.
Queen's University. Queen's Television.
Queen's University. Queen's Television.
Part 1. Main Speaker(s): Fred Goodman. Video contains a demonstration of an educational game by Goodman. This game is a demonstration of rule-governed behaviour, where participants must follow certain sets of rules to survive. The main rule established by Goodman is that each player must have at least one marble to survive along with a few others, more rules are created by players acting as the government as the game goes on. After explaining the game the audience plays it for the remainder of the video.
Queen's University. Queen's Television.
Queen's University. Queen's Television.
Part 2. Continuation and conclusion of the marble game played by the audience while Goodman clarifies rules and assists players. New rules are also created, such as an assassination rule.
Queen's University. Queen's Television.
5th Cross-Faculty Teaching Forum: Fred Goodman - Whole Group: Games For Large Groups 1/2
Part 1. Main Speaker(s): Fred Goodman. Video contains a demonstration by Goodman of educational games which can be played with large groups, with the purpose of assisting with education in public schools. Begins partway through a game Goodman was playing with the audience, which continues for the remainder of the video.
Queen's University. Queen's Television.
5th Cross-Faculty Teaching Forum: Fred Goodman - Whole Group: Games For Large Groups (2 tapes)
Queen's University. Queen's Television.
5th Cross-Faculty Teaching Forum: Fred Goodman - Whole Group: Games For Large Groups 2/2
Part 2. Continuation and conclusion of Goodman's demonstration of a large group game with his lecture audience.
Queen's University. Queen's Television.
Part 1. Main Speaker(s): Clancy Wolf. Location: classroom. Video is a lecture by Wolf on different computer 'games' called cellular automata used to simulate basic life. Begins with Wolf explaining the rules of John Conway's Game of Life. He then demonstrates the game using software called The Phantom Fish Tank, after which he demonstrates several similar cellular automata games with different rulesets. He also shows the audience mathematical games to assist with teaching in public schools, which he plays with the audience.
Queen's University. Queen's Television.
5th MacClement Lecture: Langdon Winner - Computers in Education 1/2
Part 1. Main Speaker(s): Howard Smith, Mack Freeman, Langdon Winner. Location: McArthur Hall. Video begins with Smith introducing Freeman, who talks about the MacClement lecture series and introduces Winner. Winner then lectures the audience about how they are going to be integrated into education in the future, and the difficulties they face in becoming part of the classroom environment. Hi specch ends at the end of the video, after which a man thanks him for coming.
Queen's University. Queen's Television.