- CA ON00239 F1411-S3-118
- Item
- [19--]
Parte de Kingston Picture collection
Coloured print of 'Outpost, Old Fort Henry'
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Parte de Kingston Picture collection
Coloured print of 'Outpost, Old Fort Henry'
Parte de Kingston Picture collection
General view of Kingston, 1865. Taken from an engraving of an 1865 'Map of the City of Kingston' by John C. Innes (in four sections).
Parte de Kingston Picture collection
A historical reconstruction of 'Lieutenant-Governor Simcoe opening the first Legislative Assembly of Upper Canada 1792'.
Parte de Kingston Picture collection
A view of the ruins of the Fort at Cataraqui. Pen and ink and watercolour.
Parte de Kingston Picture collection
City Hall and buildings at foot of Brock St. at Ontario St.
Parte de Kingston Picture collection
'Old Fort Henry,Kingston'. Ca. after 1824-late 1820's. Watercolour on paper.
Parte de Kingston Picture collection
Cataraqui Bridge (later the LaSalle Causeway). Also shows on the left, the officers' quarters in the Tete de Pont Barracks. Pen and ink and wash on blue paper.
Parte de Kingston Picture collection
Print of a sketch of Kingston County Grammar School, 1853.
Parte de Kingston Picture collection
Sketch of the Kingston District Chamber of Commerce which was published as part of a Calendar.
Parte de Kingston Picture collection
'First Lock on the Rideau Canal.' Watercolour and sepia.