- CA ON00239 F2552
- Collection
- 1893-`982
Collection consists of correspondence, copy of the Will, clippings, a photograph of the Harvey Family coat-of-arms, and a PMT relating to Arthur Harvey and his descendants.
Harvey, Arthur
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Collection consists of correspondence, copy of the Will, clippings, a photograph of the Harvey Family coat-of-arms, and a PMT relating to Arthur Harvey and his descendants.
Harvey, Arthur
Fonds consists of correspondence; financial and legal records; subject files; notebooks; cashbooks; and daybooks, with accompanying indices.
Judson, Arthur Hamilton
Arthur George Doughty collection
Collection of letters from the library of Sir Arthur Doughty, including letters from Sir James Kempt, Lord Dufferin, Lord Durham and E.A. Meredith. Includes several documents relating to Halifax, N.S. Letters to and from Henry Youle Hind, artist and geologist. Samples of Upper Canadian currency, including a note from the Accommodation Bank in Kingston, and Confederate currency from the American Civil War, with a fragment of the Rebel Flag flown over Richmond, VA.
Doughty, Arthur George Doughty
The collection consists of both originals and copies of correspondence between Eddington and other scientists. The records provide a brief glimpse of the development of the field of astrophysics. The correspondents include Albert Einstein, Erwin Shrodinger, Harlow Shapley, Henry Norris Russell, Walter S. Adams and J.C. Kapetyn. Also included are two copies of pages from the manuscripts, Differentiation of any tensor (1918) and Mass-luminosity equation (1924).
Eddington, Sir Arthur
The fonds consists of correspondence and client files from Maloney's career as a criminal defence lawyer, as well as correspondence, constituency and subject files from his time as an MP.
Maloney, Arthur Edwin Martin
Consists of correspondence, memoranda and other material relating to the 1973 Royal Visit to Kingston.
Maclean, Aros Loudon
Fonds consists of a letter from Wesker to Colin Hugger, 1973 Nov. 19 as well as copies of two plays, "The London Diary for Stockholm and "The Friends," and programmes for the world and English premiere of "The Friends." There are four versions of "The Friends" included, each signed by Wesker.
Wesker, Arnold
Fonds consists of programmes and reunion material relating to Arts '26 and Science '26; correspondence and certficate pertaing to an Endowment Scholarship established by John Gillies in 1869; memoir of his time at Queen's University at Kingston, by Arnold Gillies Muirhead; genealogical material relating to the Gillies and Muirhead families; photographs of student events, the end of exams, class photos of Science '26, Kingston locations including Royal Military College and Macdonald Park, the Arts '25 hockey team (1922), and John Gillies.
Muirhead, Arnold Gillies
Fonds consists of letters, telegrams concerning the acquisition of the Buchan library by Queen's University, and notes for an editorial.
Edinborough, Arnold
Arnait Video Productions fonds
The fonds consists of materials created by the various members of the group, and by the group as a whole. The records not only reflect the working process, but also the marketing and promotion involved in the projects. Almost all of their projects are represented here, with various degrees of completeness.
For works such as Adoption/Qumiktut/Unakuluk, Anaana and Uyarasuk/Ningiura (My Grandmother) there is a complete range of materials from daily scene shoots to multiple language versions of the final work. Many of the films are produced in English, French and Inuktitut. Some early works such as Atagutaluk Starvation, Qulliq, Piujuq and Angutautuq, Avingalaraaluit/Unikausiq, Aqtuqsi: the nightmare, and Travellers are only represented with sub-masters or masters with very little additional audio-visual material relating to, or revealing of, the process of production.
Other projects such as Beyond Tomorrow/Ikuma are represented through versions of the film in various languages, filmed or recorded interviews with participants and writers, and scripts in English, French and Inuktitut. There is also a fair amount of post production material such as workshops that grew out of this project.
Arnait Video Productions