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G. Earle Grey
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Letter, to G.E. Grey.

Typescript with typed notes by Grey, informing that grant for Shakespearean festival has been denied.

George M. Foster

Letter, to G.E. Grey, Toronto.

Typed letter(s) lacking signature (carbon copy), discussing Metropolitan Council's decision to refuse grant to Earle Grey Shakespearean Foundation.

Letter, to G.E. Grey, Toronto.

Typed letter(s) lacking signature (carbon copy), discussing attempts to help find sponsors and underwriters for Grey's play Esther.

Letter, to G. Earle Grey, Toronto.

Typed letter(s) lacking signature (carbon copy), submitting her resignation as publicist for the Foundation.

Ailen Adams

Letter, to G.E. Grey.

Typescript (carbon copy), refusing to produce Grey's Esther and citing reasons.

Murray Davis