Leacock informed Lyman, who was then secretary of the Canadian Club, that he would be most happy to address the club on any date following the 15th of February.
Letter to Professor Goldwin Smith (Oxford) from George P. Putnam (publisher) requesting permission to send him a collection of books which the Union League Club of New York had compiled and purchased for distribution to "influential gentleman and a few of the public libraries of Europe" in order to convey the views and accurate information on the struggle in which America found itself engaged. Also includes a small broadside relating to the collection of books selected by the Club to be sent to Europe called the "Rebellion Record for Europe" indicating who was to receive a complete set of the "Record".
Advice and cautions regarding certain political appointments to Gowan shortly after Gowan was appointed judge of the County Court of Simcoe by Baldwin.
Letter conveys her appreciation for the well-carried out ceremonies upon the installation of Dr. W.A. Mackintosh as Principal and her warm thanks to Colonel Fair for his hospitality.
Item is a letter from the office of the Governor General (Earl of Elgin), James Leslie to James Durand relating to Durand's appointment to the post of Registrar of the County of Frontenac.