Lorne and Edith Pierce collection. Pierre Dupuy sous-fonds
- CA ON00239 SF136
- Sous-fonds
- [192-]
Sous-fond consists a typescript for "Octave Cremazie: Sa Vie - Son Oeuvre."
Dupuy, Peirre
Lorne and Edith Pierce collection. Pierre Dupuy sous-fonds
Sous-fond consists a typescript for "Octave Cremazie: Sa Vie - Son Oeuvre."
Dupuy, Peirre
Lorne and Edith Pierce collection. Phyllis Gotlieb sous-fonds
Sous-fonds consists of Gottlieb's first published work, a pamphlet of poems (in poster format), entitled "Who Knows One" which was illustrated by Michael Snow and published by Hawkshead Press in Toronto in 1961.
Gotlieb, Phyllis
Lorne and Edith Pierce collection. Philip Child sous-fonds
Sous-fonds consists of a typescript with holographic annotations for Day of Wrath.
Child, Philip
Lorne and Edith Pierce collection. Padraic Colum sous-fonds
Sous-fonds consists of a carbon copy of the Padraic Colum's prefatory note to Sanctuary: Sunshine house sonnets by Bliss Carman, with revisions by MPK (Mary Perry King?) which Colum allowed to stand.
Colum, Padraic
Lorne and Edith Pierce collection. Oliver Goldsmith sous-fonds
Sous-fonds consists of a bound holographic manuscript of poems by Goldsmith as well as correspondence between Lorne Pierce and Mrs. Goldsmith Tufts regarding the purchase of some of Goldsmith's manuscripts.
Goldsmith, Oliver
Lorne and Edith Pierce collection. Odell Shepard sous-fonds
Sous-fonds consists of an autographed typescript for "To a poet who asked me in March for news of the bluebird."
Shepard, Odell
Lorne and Edith Pierce collection. Northrope Frye sous-fonds
Sous-fonds consists of a typescript with holographic annotations for an introduction to Edgar Pelham's book "Across my Path."
Frye, Northrope
Lorne and Edith Pierce collection. Norman Gregor Guthrie sous-fonds
Sous-fonds consists of typescript, with holograph notes, for a collection o f poetry entitled "Flower and Flame."
Guthrie, Norman Gregor
Lorne and Edith Pierce collection. Norman Duncan sous-fonds
Sous-fond consists of prose, bibliography and biography of Duncan.
Duncan, Norman
Lorne and Edith Pierce collection. Melvin Ormond Hammond sous-fonds
Hammond, Melvin Ormond