- CA ON00239 F1597
- Discrete Item
- [ca. 1990]
Item is a video documentary on Kingston General Hospital, featuring a historical overview of healthcare in Kingston, interviews, and scenes of Botterell Hall construction.
Crawley Films Ltd.
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Item is a video documentary on Kingston General Hospital, featuring a historical overview of healthcare in Kingston, interviews, and scenes of Botterell Hall construction.
Crawley Films Ltd.
"A Synopsis of the Career of Milton Neil Campbell"
Biography entitled, 'A synopsis of the career of Milton Neil Campbell, 1881-1965.'
Campbell, Milton Neil
"A state of expectancy," by Gerard Bessette
Original title, Grossesse. Talk translated by Glen Shortliffe, broadcast on the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, 1968.
Bessette, Gérard
"A short sketch of my life from my birth until this day" by Samuel Shaw
Typescript contains many references to his life in Kingston in the 1830's.
Shaw, Samuel
Houston, William T.
A Reminiscence of the Visit of the Prince of Wales to Canada in 1860, by Arthur Wiley
Photocopy of the article written by Wiley who assisted in the preparations for the visit and was involved in the visit itself.
Wiley, Arthur
"A Personal Bibliography of Imperial Defense," by T.F. Gelley
Manuscript of bibliographic references.
Gelley, T.F.
A last appeal to reason by Adolf Hitler
Item is a broadsheet of Hitler's speech before the Reichstag on 19 July 1940, as translated into English.
Transcript of a travel diary. Introduction refers to the Haight family history.
Haight, Consider Merritt
Thesis (photocopy) submitted to Emmanuel College of Victoria University. The history of the Church includes a list of ministers, data from gravestones in churchyard amd a map of Cataraqui, 1874-1878.
Lamb, J. William