Telegram, New Westminister, BC, to Lorne
- CA ON00239 F1383-S1-f129-0020
- Item
- 17 Mar. 1947
Part of Lorne Pierce fonds
Typescript, suggesting volume of new poems for publication instead of reprinting Day and night.
Livesay, Dorothy
Telegram, New Westminister, BC, to Lorne
Part of Lorne Pierce fonds
Typescript, suggesting volume of new poems for publication instead of reprinting Day and night.
Livesay, Dorothy
Lorne and Edith Pierce collection. Dorothy Livesay sous-fonds
Poetry, biographical articles and critical commentaries.
Livesay, Dorothy
Letters with enclosure, North Vancouver, to
Part of Lorne Pierce fonds
Typed letter(s) signed by the author, Typed letter(s) lacking signature (copy), typescript, forwarding letter from Kennedy discussing minor changes in contents of Knister memoirs; list of changes suggested.
Livesay, Dorothy
Letters with enclosure, North Vancouver, to
Part of Lorne Pierce fonds
Typed letter(s) signed by the author, Typed letter(s) lacking signature (copy), typescript, forwarding letter from Kennedy discussing minor changes in contents of Knister memoirs; list of changes suggested.
Livesay, Dorothy
Letters with enclosure, North Vancouver, to
Part of Lorne Pierce fonds
Typed letter(s) signed by the author, Typed letter(s) lacking signature (copy), typescript, forwarding letter from Kennedy discussing minor changes in contents of Knister memoirs; list of changes suggested.
Livesay, Dorothy
Letter, with enclosure, to Lorne Pierce, Toronto.
Part of Lorne Pierce fonds
Typed letter(s) signed by the author, forwarding transcripts of Knister letters, mentioning plans to work on ms. My father's house; holograph, note by E. Frankfurth.
Livesay, Dorothy
Letter, with enclosure, to Lorne Pierce, Toronto.
Part of Lorne Pierce fonds
Typed letter(s) signed by the author, forwarding transcripts of Knister letters, mentioning plans to work on ms. My father's house; holograph, note by E. Frankfurth.
Livesay, Dorothy
Letter, Vancouver, to Lorne Pierce, Toronto.
Part of Lorne Pierce fonds
Typed letter(s) signed by the author, requesting return of anthology ms. (unnamed) for revisions.
Livesay, Dorothy
Letter, Vancouver, to Lorne Pierce, Toronto.
Part of Lorne Pierce fonds
Autograph letter(s) signed by the hand of the author, discussing publicity for anthology Day and night and contemporary verse.
Livesay, Dorothy
Letter, Vancouver, to Lorne Pierce, Toronto.
Part of Lorne Pierce fonds
Typed letter(s) signed by the author, acknowledging delay in publishing Windfalls for cider, suggesting promotional idea for book involving magazine Here and now.
Livesay, Dorothy