Xth International Congress History of Science
- CA ON00239 F1197-S6-f5
- File
- 1962
Part of Allie Vibert Douglas fonds
Handwritten, typed, and completed essay. Program.
Xth International Congress History of Science
Part of Allie Vibert Douglas fonds
Handwritten, typed, and completed essay. Program.
Part of Allie Vibert Douglas fonds
Notes for Lectures on Outline of Physical Science, Lecture Outline for Astrophysics (taught 1930-1931 Session at McGill University)
Part of Allie Vibert Douglas fonds
First course of lectures given at McGill University during the 1920-21 Session
University Lectures - Astronomy 1
Part of Allie Vibert Douglas fonds
Lecture Outlines for Astronomy I (taught 1946-1947 Session)
Part of Allie Vibert Douglas fonds
Series scope to be completed at a later date
"The Social Significance of Science"
Part of Allie Vibert Douglas fonds
Speech(?) given by Allie Vibert Douglas entitled "The Social Significance of Science." Typed with handwritten corrections.
"The Sizes of Particles in Certain Pelagic Deposits"
Part of Allie Vibert Douglas fonds
An article written by Allie Vibert Douglas entitled "The Sizes of Particles in Certain Pelagic Deposits," reprinted in booklet form from the "Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, session 1922-1923." According to a handwritten note on the cover, this copy was in the ownership of George Vibert Douglas, presumably gifted to him by his sister Allie Vibert Douglas.
Part of Allie Vibert Douglas fonds
Article written by Allie Vibert Douglas entitled "The Mystery of Motion," reprinted from "Discovery," Vol. X, No. 118, October 1929.
"The Cynogen Band Near 4200 in the Spectra of Three Cepheid Variables"
Part of Allie Vibert Douglas fonds
Copy of An article written by Allie Vibert Douglas entitled "The Cyanogen Band Near ? 4200 in the Spectra of Three Cepheid Variables," reprinted in booklet form from the Monthly Notices of R.A.S., Vol. XC., No. 9. This copy gifted to George Vibert Douglas by sister Allie Vibert Douglas.
Part of Allie Vibert Douglas fonds
A review of Thomas Kuhn's book, "The Coperican Revolution." Typed, but includes a handwritten signature dated to Oct. 22, 1957.