- CA ON00239 F695-f1
- File
- 1921-1924
Part of Arthur Eddington collection
Part of Arthur Eddington collection
Various: Schrodinger, Russell, Shapley and others
Part of Arthur Eddington collection
Part of Arthur Eddington collection
Part of Arthur Eddington collection
The collection consists of both originals and copies of correspondence between Eddington and other scientists. The records provide a brief glimpse of the development of the field of astrophysics. The correspondents include Albert Einstein, Erwin Shrodinger, Harlow Shapley, Henry Norris Russell, Walter S. Adams and J.C. Kapetyn. Also included are two copies of pages from the manuscripts, Differentiation of any tensor (1918) and Mass-luminosity equation (1924).
Eddington, Sir Arthur
Part of Arthur Eddington collection