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George Arthur papers
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Proclamation by Sir George Arthur

Regarding the outrage committed by United States citizens against the British steamboat Sir Robert Peel, and appealing to the populace to refrain from acts of violence or revenge. "Upper Canada Gazette Extraordinary, Toronto, Thursday, May 31, 1838." Printed.

Marriage license granted

To John Braden of the Township of Hamilton and Mary Ann Wallace of Cobourg. Issued under Letters Patent granted to Sir George Arthur, and signed by him.

Letter from John MacDonald, Adjutant-General

Informs Arthur that he has been appointed a Major General of the Army of Canada, without pay. Requests him to state on what date and by what ship he will sail for Canada. L.S.

"After District General Order".

Lieutenant Governor Arthur announces the repulse and defeat of invaders at the "Battle of the Windmill" at Prescott. Signed by Colonel Colley L.L. Foster, Assistant Adjutant General Printed.

Letter from Lord John Russell

Discusses the time of Arthur's departure from Upper Canada, the proclamation of the Union and commends him for his devotion to the public service in the colony. L.S. Duplicate, separate.

Commision of Sir George Arthur

Commission of Sir George Arthur, granting him the local rank of Major General in Canada only. Signed by Lord Glenelg and Queen Victoria.

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