Addresses in Kingston during the 1984 Federal Election Campain by John Napier Turner and Martin Brian Mulroney. Side One: 1) Address by Turner during 1984 Federal Election Campaign. Also Chuck Anderson, Ronald Vastokas and George Speal. Address at Dinner includes issues of unemployment among young people and problems of small business. 2) Address by Mulroney during 1984 federal election campaign. Also Flora Macdonald discusses issues of secrecy, patronage, unity and care for those in need. Part 1 of address continued on sr249. Side Two: blank.
Marc Lalonde discusses his portfolio and what the Liberal government is trying to do. He talks about positive changes the government has made in the area of social security, and lists current changes being implemented in the Canada Pension Plan as well as accomodations for the working poor and those who are unable to work. Side One: Opening remarks by chairman. welcome by Mike Salstree. John Roy introduces guest speaker. Lecture by Lalonde. Side Two: blank.
At this pre-election meeting, Donald Stovel MacDonald discusses the following five areas in which he claims the liberals have had a distinguished record: unity between english and french, tolerance for immigrants, social justice programs, efforts in strenghtening Canadian identity, and improving the economy. Side One: address by Macdonald.
Eugene Francis Whelan discusses the agricultural industry in Canada, comparing it to that of other countries and notes that Canadians are very affluent and fortunate. He argues that Canadians should not take food for granted; Canada has been well served by the farmers and they beef, arguing that supporting Canadian agriculture is more important than extra profits. Side One: Introductions. Speech by Mr. Collins, Chairman of the Regional Municipality of Sudbury. Len Hopkins introduces Mr. Whelan. Side Two: blank.
Address by Brian Mulroney. Side One: Address by Mulroney during 1984 federal election campaign. Also Flora Macdonald discusses issues of secrecy, patronage, unity and care for those in need. Side Two: blank.
Address by John Napier Turner. Side One: Address by Turner during 1984 federal election campaign. Also includes Chuck Anderson, Ronald Vastokas and George Speal. Address at Dinner includes issues of unemployment among young people and problems of small business. Side Two: continued.