- CA ON00239 F2305-S4-f49
- File
- n.d.
Part of Jean-Jacques Hamm fonds
Scope to be completed at a later date
Part of Jean-Jacques Hamm fonds
Scope to be completed at a later date
Part of Jean-Jacques Hamm fonds
Series scope to be completed at a later date
"Verifying Intuitions: Research on Repeated Structures in Stendhal" co-authored by Greg Lessard
Part of Jean-Jacques Hamm fonds
Scope to be completed at a later date
Part of Jean-Jacques Hamm fonds
Scope to be completed at a later date
Undergraduate Studies Committee, Minutes
Part of Jean-Jacques Hamm fonds
Scope to be completed at a later date
"Un Laboratoire Stendhalien: Les Chroniques Italiennes"
Part of Jean-Jacques Hamm fonds
Scope to be completed at a later date
Turning Centuries' NCFS 25th Annual Colloquium
Part of Jean-Jacques Hamm fonds
Scope to be completed at a later date
"Transparency and Enigma: Reading Stendhal"
Part of Jean-Jacques Hamm fonds
File consists of a manuscript for "Transparency and Enigma: Reading Stendhal"
Part of Jean-Jacques Hamm fonds
Scope to be completed at a later date
Part of Jean-Jacques Hamm fonds
Scope to be completed at a later date